Aboriginal Legal Services

Aboriginal Legal Services is an Ontario-based not-for-profit that aims to strengthen the capacity of the Aboriginal community and its citizens to deal with justice issues and provide Aboriginal controlled and culturally based justice alternatives.

Social Impact Consulting

Aboriginal Legal Services entrusted Changemaker’s Reconciliation Group to conduct a multi-phase needs assessment of the newest Gladue court in Toronto. A Gladue court focuses criminal offence cases involving an Indigenous defendant.  

This included helping Aboriginal Legal Services to identify common gaps and challenges that Indigenous clients face when accessing Gladue court and related legal services. The project sought to understand the specific needs of Indigenous people involved in the criminal court system, and how organizations such as Aboriginal Legal Services can advocate for the implementation of Indigenous justice principles within the broader context of the court system. 

To support Aboriginal Legal Services, Changemakers: 

  • Interviewed key informants from across a broad range of backgrounds including community members and legal professionals;
  • Conducted desktop research and environmental scans that were local, provincial, and national in scope;
  • Undertook a three-phase needs assessment;
  • Prepared reports summarizing findings; and
  • Provided recommendations on governance and possible decision-making structures.